Tilson Technologies – The contractor responsible for fiber installation and road restoration.
Gigapower(a joint venture between AT&T and BlackRock) – The company overseeing the fiber deployment.
City of Las Vegas – The entity that approved the microtrenching project and is supposed to oversee compliance.
Downtown Residents– The people directly affected by the ongoing roadwork and infrastructure issues.
Gigapower's fiber installation project, originally touted as a minimal-impact operation, has now led to additional trenching work on downtown streets.
Sunrise Paving is digging a 3.5-inch by 3-foot trench in front of homes as part of a required repair process.
The microtrenching method, which was supposed to be quick and non-invasive, has instead led to more roadwork, additional disruptions, and long-term damage to streets.
Ongoing for 200+ days(and counting).
New trenching and restoration efforts happening now in affected neighborhoods.
The City's promise of a “quick and clean” installation has yet to materialize.
The Downtown Las Vegas area, including neighborhoods such as Huntridge, West Huntridge, Crestwood, Southridge.
The next areas expected to be affected include John S. Park, Beverly Green, the Arts District, Rancho Manor, Rancho Nevada Estates, McNeil Estates, and Scotch 80’s.
Ask the Las Vegas City Council…