What to Do
When you see Tilson
The information below is compiled from the research and experiences of neighbors who have been directly impacted by Tilson’s work. This resource is based on what we have learned so far through public records requests and other publicly available information. If you have additional details or updates, we encourage you to contribute so we can keep this page as accurate and comprehensive as possible.
What should I do if I see construction begin in my neighborhood?
Document and share any issues related to the project. Take photos of your property, sidewalks, and any construction spray paint to document “before” conditions. Note the first day of disruption, as Tilson states their process should only last 90 days.
How can I hold Tilson accountable for noncompliance?
If you encounter issues such as improper traffic control, lack of notice, or extended timelines, report them to:
Share your concerns using the Share Your Story form, where neighbors are compiling a record of complaints. Take a look at what other neighbors have experienced.
What if I encounter ADA violations?
The hundreds of yellow “temporary” hole coverings on our sidewalks have been abandoned, with many posing hazards on sidewalks for residents simply trying to walk their dogs, get their children to school, and get around in motorized wheelchairs. Improperly installed coverings are against federal law and a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). For examples of ADA violations, see the gallery: ADA Accessibility Issues.
If you are having trouble getting around, file a complaint. You do not need to have a disability to file an ADA complaint.
File an ADA complaint with the City of Las Vegas using this form.
Complaints can also be sent to:
Tammy Counts, Accessibility & ADA/504 Coordinator
Human Resources Department
495 S. Main St., First Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Email: TCounts@lasvegasnevada.gov | Phone: 702-229-5055
What are the rules for no parking signs and towing?
Per Nevada state law, no parking signs must be posted at least 72 hours before work begins. Vehicles parked in these zones after the notice period may be towed.
If your car was towed illegally, submit a complaint to the Nevada Transportation Authority (NTA). The complaint to the NTA must focus on the towing company, so be sure to cite the name of the towing company. Tilson is using multiple tow companies and so far neighbors appear to have witnessed Victory Towing and 777 Towing illegally towing vehicles, but they may be working with additional companies.
Complaints can be submitted here.
What if Tilson damages my property?
Tilson has compensated SOME residents who have paid out of pocket to repair damages to sewer lines, landscaping, and other personal property only if they determine the damage is due to their construction.
Contact Tilson.
Copy ward3@lasvegasnevada.gov on all correspondence to create a public record and ensure city staff are aware of the damages as well.
What should I do if Tilson damages my plumbing or sewer lines?
Notify the city immediately by reaching out to ward3@lasvegasnevada.gov and twinton@lasvegasnevada.gov.
Additionally, Tilson is working with a plumbing company (Code Red Emergency Plumbing) to dispatch to residents who have complained about sewer damage and plumbing issues. While they are paying to have the plumbing company come out and do repairs, neighbors who have worked with them advise anyone who is able to get a second opinion from a third-party plumbing company you trust to corroborate any findings or repair work.
What if Tilson's work disrupts waste collection?
Residents have reported Tilson scheduling work during trash and bulk pickup days, causing delays or missed collections. Document the disruption and report it to the city through ward3@lasvegasnevada.gov.
What if Tilson doesn’t notify residents of construction?
Many neighbors have reported a lack of door hanger notices or communication about construction schedules. If you experience this, report it to the city and document any disruption from the first day onward.
How can I ensure my property is protected during construction?
Take photos of your residential frontage, sidewalks, and other areas to document conditions before work begins. This helps substantiate claims for compensation in case of damage caused by Tilson’s work.
Where is Tilson working?
Based on records requests and public information, the maps below highlight where we believe work is occurring or planned.